The SUPER PERFORMANCE-L formula contains dietary supplement elements, which enhance activity and muscle oxygenation required by competition, delay fatigue and exhaustion, stimulate appetite and body growth. Potassium is necessary to maintain the excitability of muscles and nerves. Magnesium is important in intracellular fluids, because it is closely related to calcium and phosphorus, it is found in enzymes that aid in neurochemical transmissions and muscle excitability. Carnitine is important in energy production and protein synthesis. It is responsible for the transport of fatty acids from the cytosol, avoiding the imbalance between the contribution of energy nutrients and the demand for energy, it is a protector of the liver and kidneys. Lysine and methionine promote the transport and oxidation of fatty acids. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is involved in metabolism, nutrition and growth, in the formation of red blood cells (hematopoiesis), as well as in the production of epithelial cells and the maintenance of myelin. It has an important participation in cellular production and in the synthesis of nucleoproteins. Sodium selenite (the active form of selenium) has anti-inflammatory properties. It acts on myopathies, interferes with sulfur metabolism, and protects red blood cells from hemolysis.Dosage:Horses, cows, sheep and goats: 3 mg per 100 kg bw (maximum 10 m in horses and cows)Competitor birds: 0.20 ml.
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